The Lok Sabha on 28th July, Friday passed the two key health Bills; National Commission Bill and National Nursing Midwifery Commission Bill.
The National Commission Bill is to regulate the quality and standard of dental education and profession in our country. This Bill aims at replacing the Dentists Act of 1948 and advances to set up The National Commission Bill.
The National Nursing Midwifery Commission Bill 2023 proposes to set up National Nursing Midwifery Commission and replace the Indian Nursing Council Act 1947. it also aims and providing regulated services and maintenance of standard education by nursing and midwifery professionals, maintenance of national and state registers and create a systematic framework to develop access and research.
The key purpose of the bills is to implement a common test and improve the nursing and Dental education and profession to strengthen the education system of the country and to provide dentists and nurses to give the best services to the Nation and the world. these Bills intend several required changes to improve the existing system.
KNRUHS has made it compulsory to appear in TSEAMCET 2023 and NEET-UG 2023 for Candidates who are aspiring to take admission to the 4 years course BSc Nursing in Government and Private Colleges for the academic year 2023-24 in Telangana affiliated to KALOJI NARAYANA RAO UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES.
The Government of Telangana issued an order with regard to the Modification of the eligibility criteria. Earlier BSc Nursing seats allocation of the candidates was based on the marks obtained by them and now it will be replaced by ranks secured by the candidates in the Competitive Exams.
” Admission into Competent Authority Quota seats of BSc Nursing 4YDC course shall be based on Telangana state EAMCET 2023 Rank and INC Regulations.
Admission into Management Quota seats of BSc Nursing 4YDC course shall be based on NEET-UG 2023 Rank and INC Regulations.” stated the notification of KNRUHS.
To Download the Important notification for Candidates Aspiring to join BSc Nursing.
The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) 2023 answer key is expected to be this week. The National Testing Agency (NTA) will release the NEET official answer key PDF on the official NTA NEET website –
NTA will first release a provisional NEET 2023 answer key. Candidates who appeared for NEET UG 2023 will be able to challenge the provisional answer key, in case of any doubts. Students will have to pay a non-refundable fee of Rs 200 per question in order to challenge the NEET answer key.
The exam was conducted on May 7. A total of 20,87,449 candidates registered for NEET UG 2023. The exam was conducted in a total of 499 cities in India and abroad.
The MCC/DGHS will be doing Counseling for 15% AIQ, 100% Deemed Universities, Central Universities (Delhi University, AMU & BHU including Institutional/ Domicile Quota), ESIC, AFMC(only Registration Part) &I.P University (VMMC & SJH ANDABVIMS & RML& ESIC Dental, Delhi (15% AIQ + 85% Institutional Quota ) 100%AIIMS, 100% JIPMER and B.Sc. Nursing (only 08 Central Institutes).
MCC (Medical Counselling Committee) will conduct 4 rounds of All India Quota counselling for NEETUG 23 qualified candidates- round 1, round 2, mop-up round and stray vacancy round. Candidates will have to register online for participating in the counselling process. Through the MCC NEET UG 2023 counselling, the AIQ fresh registrations will be allowed in the first three rounds and not in the spot round.
AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, B.Sc. (NURSING) – Central Institutes & Institutes affiliated under I.P. University, AIIMS, JIPMER
Stray Vacancy Round-By MCC for AIQ, Central University/Institutes AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, B.Sc. (NURSING) – Central Institutes & Institutes affiliated under I.P. University, AIIMS, JIPMER Offline – By respective Deemed University
AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, B.Sc. (NURSING) – Central Institutes & Institutes affiliated under I.P. University, AIIMS, JIPMER
NEET UG 2023 Cut off
NEET UG2023 cutoff qualifying percentile
NEET UG cut off scores 2023
Unreserved (UR)
50th percentile
To be announced
40th percentile
To be announced
45th percentile
To be announced
Directorate General of Health Services in Ministry of Health and Family Welfare conducting Onlinecounselling for
15% All India Quota seats MBBS/ BDS Seats of States
100%MBBS/ BDS Seats of BHU OPEN
AIIMS Open seats- 100% MBBS Seats of AIIMS across India
JIPMER Open (Puducherry/ Karaikal)
AMU Open seats + NRI seats + AMU Internal seats
15% All India Quota seats of DU/ I.P University (VMMC/ ABVIMS/ESIC Dental)
Jamia Open seats- Faculty of Dentistry (Jamia Milia Islamia)
15% All India Quota Seats of ESIC
AFMC – Candidates who desire to participate in AFMC Counseling will be required to register on the MCC portal i.e.
B.Sc. (NURSING) – Central Institutes & Institutes affiliated under I.P. University
Reservation Policy
Reservation Policy of the Central Government for the NEET-UG Counselling in All India Quota is as follows:
O.B.C.- (Non-Creamy Layer) as per the Central OBC list-
EWS- as per Central Government norms
PwD- Horizontal Reservation as per NMC norms
CW seats- there may be certain seats reserved for CW candidates in certain Central Nursing Institutes for which the candidates are advised to check the eligibility conditions from the website of those Institutes. (Only for Delhi region)
NEET UG 2023 Counselling dates
NEET UG counselling dates
NEET UG 2023 exam
Mar 7, 2023
Declaration of NEET UG 2023 result
Jun 2023 (First Week)
NEET UG 2023 merit list for AIQ seats
To be announced
NEET UG 2023 counselling round 1
Round 1 seat matrix
To be announced
Registration for counselling round 1
To be announced
Last date of registration fee payment for counselling round 1
To be announced
Choice filling and locking for counselling round 1
To be announced
Allotment of seats for counselling round 1
To be announced
Provisional result of counselling round 1
To be announced
Final NEET UG counselling result
To be announced
Reporting at allotted college
To be announced
NEET UG 2023 counselling round 2
Registration for counselling round 2
To be announced
Last date of registration fee payment for counselling round 2
To be announced
Choice filling and locking for counselling round 2
To participate in the counselling of MCC NEET UG 2023, a candidate needs to pay the registration fee
The registration fee for MCC NEET UG 2023 counselling has to be paid online (Net banking/credit card/debit card)
There are two components of the registration fee, refundable and non-refundable
Non-Refundable Registration fee
Fee (in Rs)
For (15% All India Quota)/ Central Universities (DU, AMU, BHU and Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi)/AFMC& ESI/ All AIIMS/ JIPMER/B.Sc. Nursing
For Deemed University candidates
All categories
Refundable Security Deposit
Fee (in Rs)
For (15% All India Quota)/ Central Universities (DU, AMU, BHU and Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi)/AFMC& ESI/ All AIIMS/ JIPMER/B.Sc. Nursing
UR/EWS candidates
For Deemed Universities
All categories
NEET UG counselling 2023 registration fees
STEP 3 :- NEET UG counselling 2023 registration slip
After successful payment of NEET UG 2023 counselling fee, registration slip for the candidates will be generated.
Download the registration slip.
Take printout of the slip for future reference.
STEP 4:- NEET UG counselling choice filling and locking
Visit the MCC website for counselling of NEET UG 2023
Login using the credentials – stream (medical/dental), roll number and password
Start filling your choices of course and college for NEET UG seat allotment
To add a new choice click on the ‘+’ button
To rearrange the order of any choice, drag the choice to the desired position
Once satisfied with the choices filled, click on ‘save and next’ to lock the choices.
If a candidate forgets to lock the choices filled, they will be automatically locked.
Aspirants need to verify the choices locked as the NEET UG seat allotment will be done on the basis of choices filled.
Candidates can take print out of their filled choices for future reference.
Same steps are to be followed for all rounds of MCC NEET UG counselling.
STEP 5: Rank-wise seat allotment and Reporting
MCC uploads the provisional result initially in every round for verification of the candidates/ college/ institute based on their choices, merit and eligibility. They will also be given an opportunity to reach out to MCC if there is any discrepancy in the result. If no discrepancy is found or if the discrepancy is rectified, then the final result is uploaded on the MCC website.
Once the Candidates are allotted a seat based on their merit, choice & eligibility, in any of the Rounds of counseling conducted by MCC the Candidates will be required to download their ‘allotment letter’ from the MCC (Medical Counselling Committee) website If the Candidate is satisfied with his/her allotment he/she may approach the allotted college/institute for completing the admission formalities within the reporting time schedule.
The allotment made by MCC in any of the rounds is purely provisional subject to physical verification of documents of the candidate by the allotted college authorities.
STEP 6: Admission
If the Candidate is satisfied with his/her allotment he/she may approach the allotted college/institute for completing the admission formalities.
Original documents required at the time of joining in allotted Medical/Dental College are as mentioned below:
Allotment Letter issued by MCC (Essential document)
Admit Cards of Exam issued by NTA.
Result/ Rank letter issued by NTA.
Date of Birth Certificate (if Metric Certificate does not bear the same)
Class 10th Certificate / Class 10+2 Certificate
Class 10+2 Marks Sheet
Eight (8) Passport size photograph same as affixed on the application form
High School/Higher Secondary Certificate/Birth Certificate as proof of date or birth.
Proof of identity (Aadhar/ PAN/ Driving Licence/ Passport)
For NRI candidates following documents are mandatory: a) Passport copy of sponsorer, embassy certificate b) Sponsorship affidavit (stating that sponsorer is ready to bear the expenses for the whole duration of study) c) Relationship Affidavit (Relation of Candidate with the sponsorer)
For OCI/PIO/Foreign national candidates citizenship certificate/ card number documents are mandatory
Caste certificate SC/ST/OBC certificate issued by the competent authority.EWS Certificate as per the Central Govt. Norms (in the format as specified in the Information Bulletin) and should be in English or Hindi language. The translated certificate must be certified by a Gazetted Officer. (Essential document)
Disability Certificate issued from a duly constituted and authorized Medical Board for 21 Benchmark Disabilities as per the Rights of Persons with Disability Act,2016 and NMC Norms. No other PwD certificate, issued by any other Authorities/ Hospital will be entertained. The format of Certificate of Disability is annexed in the Information Bulletin. (Essential document).
Main counseling Registration which will include payment of Non Refundable Registration fee and Refundable Security Deposit (to be refunded only in the account from which payment has been made).
Exercising of Choices and Locking of choices.
Process of Seat Allotment Round-1
Publication of result of Round-1on MCC website
Reporting at the allotted Medical/Dental College against 1 Round.
Upgradation: Candidates willing to upgrade from Round 1 to Round 2 have to report at the allotted college of round 1 and complete the admission formalities. During the completion of admission formalities, the candidate has to give willingness for upgradation in the college.
ROUND-2(AIQ/Central Institutes/University/AIIMS/JIPMER/Deemed University/AMU/BHU/B.Sc. Nursing) – (Candidates who registered for Round-1 and did not get any seat allotted are not required to register again.)
Fresh New Registration for Round-2 is to be done for those candidates who -Have not registered in Round-1 (with full payment of fees) – Candidates who have Resigned / Not reported in Round-1 need not register again
Fresh Choice filling Round-2.
Publication of result of Round-2 on MCC website.
Reporting at the allotted Medical/Dental College against Round 2
Fresh Registration with payment of registration fee for Mop Up Round for the following candidates NOTE:- Who registered in Round-2 & exited with Forfeiture of fees without joining can register again with payment of fees. However, candidates who have already joined and taken admission upto Round-2 of AIQ/Deemed/ Central Universities/DNB will not be eligible to participate in Mop Up Round and Stray Vacancy Round. (Those who registered but were not allotted a seat in Round-1 & Round-2 need not register again).
Fresh choice filling of Mop Up Round
Publication of result of Mop Up Round on MCC website
Reporting at the Allotted Medical/ Dental College after Mop Up Round
List of Registered Candidates ten times the number of Stray vacancies to be sent to Deemed University to be exhausted strictly in order of merit.
FINAL STRAY VACANCY ROUND ( AIQ And Deemed Universities)
AIQ Stray Vacancy Round:-
AIQ Stray Vacancy Round for State contributed seats will be conducted by MCC of DGHS, MoHFW. Central University/Institutes- Will be conducted by MCC of DGHS based on the eligibility condition of the Central Institutes/University/DNB
There will be no Fresh Registration of Candidates in Final Stray Vacancy Round.
There will be no choice filling in Stray Vacancy Round. The choices filled during Mop-Up round will be considered for allotment in Stray Vacancy Round
Allotment of seats ‘Online’ by running software
Eligible candidates who are not holding any seat can participate in Stray Vacancy Round
For Deemed Universities the Stray Vacancy Round will be conducted by the respective Deemed University.
KEA (Karnataka Examination Authority) has officially announced the KCET 2023 (Karnataka Common Entrance Test) through its Notification Released on 1st march 2023. It is a state-level entrance test conducted by KEA in order to provide admission for eligible candidates to various UG Courses in Karnataka like Engineering, Architecture, Yoga and Naturopathy, Veterinary, Farm Sciences, B.Pharm, and other professional Courses.
Interested Candidates can fill out the Application Form online which is available on KEA ( and register themself for KCET 2023. The Application Process involves a few steps like registration, filling application form, Payment of fees, uploading documents, and submission. The candidates should fill Correct details, if not the application would be rejected.
KCET 2023 New updates
Information with regard to caste, income, and 371(j) will be verified through Web service based on the Caste / Caste Income Certificate RD Number and 371(j) RD number entered by the candidate in the online application form. Candidate has to enter the correct RD number carefully in the online application. In case, the RD detail does not match with the data, the schedule will be given in the month of June 2023 to appear for physical verification.
SC, ST, and Cat-1 candidates should obtain an income certificate and enter the RD number of the income certificate carefully, to avail of the benefit of fee exemption.
General Merit candidates if their annual income is below Rs.8.00 Lakhs, then obtain an income certificate from the concerned Tahasildar and enter the RD number of the income certificate carefully, to claim Supernumerary Quota (SNQ).
Candidate name, father name, mother name, and date of birth will be obtained from the Karnataka SSLC board based on the SSLC register number through SATS. Therefore, candidates who have passed SSLC from Karnataka have to enter their correct SSLC register number in the online application form.
The online application tracking system will be enabled; candidates can track the status of their online application.
The Government has enhanced the annual income limit from `6.00 Lakhs to `8.0’ Lakhs per annum for claiming reservation benefits.
The candidate and his / her father’s – mother’s who’s Gross Annual Income is below Rs.8.00 Lakhs are eligible to claim the benefit of reservation under 2A, 2B, 3A, and 3B categories.
Online applications are invited from NEET UG Qualified candidates for admission to the first year MBBS/BDS/BAMS and B.V.Sc & A.H courses in Government and Self Financing Medical / Dental and Veterinary colleges in the UT of Puducherry. Applications are invited under Government / All India (Management) / Minority/ NRI and Self–Supporting (SS) Quota. For more details visit
National Testing Agency (NTA) has announced that NEET 2022 answer key will be RELEASED on 30th August and the Result on 7 Septemberat the official website Along with the answer key, NTA will also release the NEET OMR sheet of candidates who appeared in the NEET UG 2022 exam. Candidates can calculate their NEET scores before the NEET 2022 results are announced officially.
NTA conducted the NEET UG examination in pen and paper mode on July 17, 2022. Over 18,72,343 candidates at 3,570 different Centres located in 497 Cities throughout the country including 14 cities outside India have reported that there have appeared for the NATIONAL ELIGIBILITY CUM ENTRANCE TEST (UG) undergraduate medical, and dental admissions test.
NEET UG Answer Key 2022 is expected to release on 20-08-2022 on the offical website of NTA (National Testing Agency), once NEET UG 2022 Answer Key is released, candidates can download NEET UG Response Sheet 2022 PDF and NEET UG 2022 OMR Sheet. National Testing Agency organize the NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) Exam on 17th July 2022 for Admission in MBBS/BDS and Ayush Courses. Now according to sources from NTA, Answer Key 2022 is going to be released in one or two days on the portal. This NEET UG OMR Sheet OF 2022 will show you the correct option for every question in the different question paper as NEET UG aspriants have set down like Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6.
NEET UG aspriants can find your Question Paper Set Series mentioned on the NEET UG Response Sheet 2022 to be released on the official website to match your answers with the correct option. This process will give you an overall idea of your Marks which you can further compare with Expected NEET Cut-Off Marks 2022. Here in this post, you can get a direct link to Download NEET UG Answer Key 2022 from
NTA (National Testing Agency) and NMC (National Medical Commission) composed the NEET Exam on July 17th, 2022 and the NEET Answer Key on July 17th, 2022 for Series S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6. To learn about NEET UG 2022 Exam Analysis and OMR Sheet 2022 with response sheet 2022, as well as whether these exams were conducted in CBT(Computer Based Test) Mode, candidates who have attempted and given their performance in the Online Medical Entrance Exam must download the NEET UG Answer Key 2022 PDF. Moreover, after passing the Undergraduate National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test UG(NEET), you will be eligible to get admission to MBBS/BDS/BAMS/BHUMS/BUMS.
Now the eagerness of students to check Answer Key, 2022 has finally come to an end and all the Series Wise Response Sheets are about to be released online on the official website . Once the NEET UG Answer Key 2022 is out, all of you can use it to check answers and further calculate marks with the help of the process given below. In case you see any error in any of the answers mentioned on the answer key, then you have to raise an objection by paying Rs 200/-per question fee and then wait for the final answer key. As per previous trends, NEET results are published almost after the week of the release of Response Sheets, and then only you can get to know about your exact marks. After the announcement of the results, their respective state counselling will start and students can opt for the colleges of their choice.
The above table is here to give you detailed information about the NEET UG OMR Sheet 2022 Release Date. According to sources, candidates can download the answer key by July 31st, 2022 and then use it further for the calculation of scores. If you get more than 45% marks in the exam, then you are eligible for admission to the desired course. So we suggest you get the minimum marks in the exam to get admission in MBBS, BDS, or Ayush courses. Once the answer key is released, all of you need to wait for the NEET result, which is usually published after 7 days.
Steps to Download Answer Key 2022
First of all open from your Internet Browser.
Now you can see NEET UG Answer Key 2022 Link.
Click on it to proceed on the Login Page.
Further enter your Candidate ID and PIN to see the Answer Key.
On this page you can see NEET UG Response Sheet 2022.
Now use the process given above to sum up your Marks in the Written Examination.
So in this way you can Download Answer Key 2022.
Procedure to Raise Objection in NEET UG OMR Sheet 2022
Some students might see an Error in any answer or question in their NEET UG Response Sheet 2022.
So for their reference, Objection Link is available online.
All you need to do is select the question and then click on the Raise Objection button.
Now pay Rs 200/- as Objection Fees for a particular question.
So in this way you can Raise Objection in NEET UG OMR Sheet 2022.
After that you have to wait for clarification from NTA for your Query.
Sri Adichunchanagiri College of Pharmacy (SACCP) is one of the top leading Pharmacy institutions in India offering pharmaceutical education at the Undergraduate, Postgraduate, and Doctoral levels. The College is located in the serene atmosphere of B.G.Negara, Mandya, Karnataka. Stress-free learning classrooms, seminar halls, board rooms, and discussion rooms with modern furniture, OHP, LCD & DLP Projectors, multimedia-enabled lecture facilities, and exclusive facilities for tutorial workshops.
Knowledge Centre, Library, Audio Video Media Room, Communications, and Broadband enabled WiFi campus, Library which is open round the clock with over 5000 titles on management, a hundred-plus leading journals, a large database of Case studies in text and multimedia for deeper understanding and research.
Sixty percent (60%) of the total number of seats shall be filled as competent authority seats, and the remaining Forty percent (40%) seats shall be filled as management seats.
Government Quota
Management Quota
* For the management quota seats the candidate must be NEET UG 2022-23 eligible *
Courses Offered and Eligibility
Courses Offered
4 Years
> PUC / 10+2 PASS in Science Subjects > 17 years of age as on 31st Dec 2022
B.Pharm (Lateral Entry)
3 Years
> D.Pharm from PCI Recognised Institute
2 Years
> PUC / 10+2 PASS in Science Subjects > 17 years of age as on 31st Dec 2022
6 Years
> PUC / 10+2 PASS in Science Subjects > 17 years of age as on 31st Dec 2022
Apollo College of Nursing, Hyderabad was established in the year 2002, with an aim of providing International Standards of Nursing care. The vision of the college is to provide the best nursing education which combines continuous quality improvement with upgraded latest technologies.
The Apollo College of Nursing is affiliated with KALOJI NARAYANA RAO UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES (KNRUHS). The College is accredited by Indian Nursing Council and recognized by State Government. The college is located in Apollo Health City Campus, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana. It is attached to 1000 bedded Apollo Medical College and Hospital.
Courses Offered and Eligibility
Courses Offered
B.Sc Nursing
4 Years
> 10+2 with PBC (Physics, Biology, and Chemistry) with 70% and above > English is Compulsory > 17 years of age as on 31st Dec 2022 > Must be Neet Eligible
Post Basic B.Sc Nursing
2 Years
> Diploma in GNM with 60% and above marks in +2 > Age Limit – Upto 35 years
M.Sc Nursing with 7 Specializations:
Community Health Nursing Medical-Surgical Nursing Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing Mental Health Nursing Child Health Nursing Neuro Cardiac
2 Years
> B.Sc Nursing with 60% marks +1 year of work experience > Age Limit – Upto 35 years
Sixty percent (60%) of the total number of seats shall be filled as competent authority seats, and the remaining Forty percent (40%) seats shall be filled as management seats.
Government Quota
Management Quota
* For the management quota seats the candidate must be NEET UG 2022-23 eligible *
Fee Structure
Courses (Tuition Fees)
I Year
II Year
III Year
IV Year
B.Sc Nursing
Post Basic B.Sc Nursing
M.Sc Nursing (7 Specializations)
* Tuition fees are inclusive of Hostel and Other Expenses
For Admission in Apollo College of Nursing Contact : 8884499766/8