Exclusively Women’s Medical College under Muslim Minority established in the year 2010-11 with an annual intake of 100 students for MBBS Degree Course is approved the Govt.of india, National Medical Commission(NMC) and affiliated to Shri Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences, Warangal, Telangana. The Medical College belongs to Dr V R K Education Society. VRK Women’s college is located on the outskirts of Hyderabad at chilkur Village, about 29 KM from Rajiv Gandhi International Airport about 30 min by ORR and about 25 KM from Secunderabad Railway station about 40 min Drive.
VRK Women’s Medical College is Promoted by Dr. Vizarath Rasool Khan with a vision to empower the Girl Power in the field of Medical Education. It also helps the lower income group and poor family of Muslim Community Girls to peruse a career in the Nobel profession and fulfill their Dreams and feel proud to serve the society in the best possible way contributing to the improvement of health in the community. The Buildings of the Medical College, Teaching Hospital, Students Hostels, Staff Quarters and other appurtenant Buildings are housed in a Unitary Campus of 26 Acres. The major land marks near the Medical College are A.P. Police Academy (APPA) and National Deer Park. The Medical College is located right opposite to the Mruguvani National Deer Park.
This Medical College is attached to a 500 Bed Teaching Hospital with all the necessary equipment and infrastructure as prescribed by the MCI. In addition to this, there is a separate Casualty ward of 20 Beds and other Specialized Wards with 5 Beds each namely; ICU, ICCU, RICU, PICU/NICU and Burns Ward. An Urban Health Centre is located at Langar House and a Rural Health Centre is located at Chilkur Village, Moinabad Mandal.Clinical board’s general specialities viz. Medicine, Surgery, OBG, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics, ENT, Ophthalmology, Pulmonology, Dermatology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesiology and Radiology and three paraclinical departments viz. Pathology, Microbiology and Biochemistry are working in the Hospital
MALLA REDDY MEDICAL COLLEGE FOR WOMEN (MRMCW) | Deccan College of Medical Sciences(DCMS) |
VRK Women’s Medical College Counselling for MBBS (NEET-UG) in Telangana will be conducted by Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences (KNRUHS), Warangal. Under KNRUHS, the Counselling procedure is divided into Convener quota-CQ (Govt.) and Management Quota(MQ1 & MQ2). Domicile(Local) students of Telangana Qualified in NEET-UG and NEET-PG are eligible to participate in the counselling process for which a separate notification is published. For Convener Quota in Telangana, KNRUHS conducts 3 or 4 rounds of counselling followed by Mop Up round. If required, Extended Mop-Up Round Counselling will be done.
Students from all India and Telangana are eligible to participate in the Management Quota Seats for which a separate notification is published. For Management Quota KNRUHS conducts Two Rounds of Counselling followed by Mop Up Round. If required, an Extended Mop Up Round Counselling follows.
To learn more about Telangana NEET-UG Counselling Process CLICK HERE